Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Should I Or Should I Not??
Im.. Really Stressing Out.. I Recently Been Thinking So Much.... Her... Studies... Friendship... Idk.. Im So Moody These Day... And Sorry.. My Friends Please Bear or Just Leave Me Alone.. Im Sorry For Being Moody... Im Starting To Change Into Someone Even i Don Know Anymore... Haiizz.. Should i Tell Her Should i Not??.. Im  Just Afraid She Will Ignore Me... If She Were To Know About It... Haiiyo!!.. So Stress.. My Studies Too.. I Was So Shocked to See My Result... I Need to Buck Up!! Come On!! .. I need To Find Another Good Friend Who i Can Share Secrets And Cheer Each Other Up ... Haiizzz

7:57 PM

Monday, August 29, 2011

Childhood Hmmmm~
Lol.... Its Funny How.. Back in The Days When I Was A Little Boy... Who Laugh all Day Long Play All Day Long.. Have No Problem ....~ I Wan Back Those Days.. Now.. im just Kept Thinking Of Her... I Really Hate My Feelings... Idk Why Why i Would Like Her... If Can.. I Would Restart My Life and Never Had Met Her.. At Least.  I Won Be Hurting Myself So much... But.. If I Were to Tell Her.. Im Afraid That Our Friendship Will Snaped and gone forever... If Thats The Case.. I Would Rather Keep It to Myself Rather Then leting Her Know... Its Stupid.. Im Stupid Actually... I Wan My Happy Life Back.. God... Can U .. Reborn me??... Restart My Life.. Everything Restart..

11:48 PM

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Don Know Wad to Post Today.. I Just Feel Sucky Today =X... im So Fail And Useless... Haiizz

9:24 PM

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Past Is Wonderful.. The Present Is Hurtful... The Future Is Unknown.

Well Im Back.. Im Kinda Dissapointed.. I Wanted My Blog to be a Cheerful Blog.. But In The end.It Became An Sadness Blog.. It Seems Like.. After My Wonderful Life in sec 1 and sec 2 Which i Did Not Cherish It.. I Became Very Emo In Secondary 3... I Really Miss All The Time i Had During Sec 1 and 2... Carefree.. Everyday Enjoy Playing with My Friend.. But.. Blame Myself.. Being a Fking Moron For Not Studying Well.. and I been Throw To 3/4... Im Not Saying 3/4 Not Good.. But i Just Miss 2/3.. Malaca Trip Was The Best.. But it Would be Better if i Have Made Friends With Pravin And The Gang.. i Bet it would be awesome.. But Well.. This is Life.. Everything Have Been Planed By God.. its Call Fate/Destiny... I Guess Wad Mdm Rekha Said Is True.. U Laugh And Have Fun alot And Later.. u Will Regret Alot Of Things.. And Not Be Happy About Anything...

 I Don Mind Dieing But... I Think My Friends Will be Sad If i Were To Be dead.. But i Really don Like To Have Those Kind Of Thinkings... Cus.. I Myself Hate Emo People Becus im A Cheerful Type Person But Well i Guess People Do Change Over The Years.. I Used To Help My Friend When tHey Feel Sad.. But i Guess i Cant Help Anyone Anymore...I Cant Even Help Myself How Can i Expect Myself To Help others...Well.. Another Problem is.. Even Ugly People Like Me Have Crush...I Know That its Impossible For Me to Go Into a Relationship.. As Girls Goes For Handsome Looking Guys ... But.. I Think.. if she is Happy Everyday i Will be Happy Too.. No one Say if u Love someone U Need to Be In Relationship With Her/him Right??...

Wiill My Life Get Better..? I Don Even Know it Myself.. 

5:49 PM

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yeah!! Today Was Awesome!!!
Hoho Wadsup Bloggers!! =) Today Was Such An Awesome Day... Haha Feel Dam Happy =) Firstly... Mdm Rekha is Out on Course So we Had A Relief Teacher And it Was Fun Then Mr Raja Nvr Came Too and We Watch Movie During English Class Awesome~~~ Then Finally.... Miss Pin And Mr Lee Told Us that Today We Do Not Have Pe Cus they Will be Out On Course... But.. The relief PE teacher Gave Us Chance To play Pe!!! We Were Wearing Full-U Or Half-U Playing floorBall XD!! Violent Game Shiooo!!! Broke 2 Floorball Stick And 3 Ball I Think LOL!! Not i Break Okay!! Don Anyhow Think hor!! XD!! Then Ltr CCA .. Went To Shop And Save To Buy Things For The Muffin As We Maybe Gonna Bake Muffin Next Tuesday.. As Testing Hehe! After That Watch Movie In DnT Classroom... We Watched Dead Silent Lol Movie Was Not Scary At all But Rather Disgusting =.=... But Still Today Was An Awesome Day!!!  XD

10:08 PM

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Long Time No Post..

Well... Looks Like i Haven Been Posting for Few Days?? I Was Really Tired And I Have nothing Much to Post Anyway... I Think I Really Have some Serious Mood Swing Problem.... My Mood Its Just Totally Random.. And I Really Don Like It When im Having Mood Swing... I Don Like Feeling Sad... I Wish Someone Is Out There To Make My Day Beautiful... As Beautiful As the Sunrise.. But it Could Never Happen  I Guess... 

10:13 PM

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bored Bored Bored~~~ Yogi Yogi Yogi~
Okay... Yesterday Was Bored... Today Was Also Bored... End Of Post Cya~ =.=

12:10 PM

Monday, August 8, 2011

Its Not A Good Day for Me...

Well.... I Am Not Having A Good Day Today... Although Today is NDP celebration At School.. I Was pretty Happy Cus i Look Forward To The Celebration.. It was Okay~ But.. Soon After The Celebration School Ended At 10.05am So School Dismiss.. I went to Find My Friends To DOuble Cfm If  They Wan To Go Movie Anot  And Guess Wad... As usuall... They Last Min bomb Me and Said They Don Wan Go.. and they Went To Republic Poly Instead.. So I Was Very Angry At Tht Point Of time.. But i Controled My Temper.. and Went to Eat Brunch With Jeremy And Stanley... So i Was Pretty mad At the Point Of Time i Don Even Feel Like Going to The Movie Anymore.. But Jeremy Tell me Just Ask The Other Ppl Who Is Going we go Enjoy Ourself.. so Yeah In The end We Went to Watch ZooKeeper.. The Movie Was Nice and cool Rate It /5 Its Funny

   So.. After Watching The Movie.. Went to Have dinner With My Friends.. and Ok At Tht Point of time I Totally Lost My Mood And Went To Depression Mode For Don Know Wad Reason... So Yeah Sms With Friend Bla bla bla.. Went Home Around 9pm.. Reached Home I was Hoping to go Bath Sit In front Of com And Relax.. But It Did Not Happen.. My dad Ask me To Go exchange The thing My Mum Bought At 888 I Did Not Wan To Walk all the Way to 888 Plaza to Change But in The end i Still Brought The item.. But I Went to Sit Under My Block And DayDream.. Till Around 9.30.. My Home Was Going Home From Work And She Saw Me Siting Thr Moodless..

    So She Asked Me Wads Wrong Bla bla Bla i Said Nothing And Ask her To Go Back Home First i will Go Home Later.. and Around 9.48 I Went Up The Lift To My House But I Did Not Enter My House.. I Went to Sit At The Staircase Cont To Think Weird Stuff... Hmm... Around 10.20 I Went Home... Bath.. and Now im here using Com ... Today is Really Not A Good Day For me.. I Had Enough Of My Friend Always throw bomb at last Min.. I Had Enough... Anymore Outing Make Urself.. Read My Fb Post And Rmber it Through Out Ur Dam Life...

                                                                   The End..

11:04 PM

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rise Of The Planet Of Apes!

Okay Lets Start From Morning =.=... I Was Kinda Depressed Because i Suppose To Be flying Kite This Morning!! With My Bro And His Friends.. I Was Really Looking Forward To it! Cus i Nvr Fly Kite Before and I Always Wanted To Fly Kite... And Guess Wad?? Morning It FREAKING RAIN!!! Dam!! Was Dam Du lan when i Saw Rain Start To Drop =.=... So.. May Arrived And We Was Suppose to Make Mayo Egg Sandwich And Bring To Kite Flying... But In The End We Made It for Our Breakfast Since It Was Raining...So.. Whole Afternoon Stay At Home.. Watch Movie And Play dota.. Then BOMB My Bro Ask me Ask ppl To Watch Rise Of The Planet Of Apes At Night.. so i Quickly Ask ppl And We Bought Ticket To The Planet Of apes At 9.15!! Well.. Just Reach Home.. all i Got to Say is the Movie Was Awesome!! Better Then Fist Of the Dragon =.=... This Movie Totally Worth Every Single Bit Of My $7!!! Tmr Ndp Count down.. Will Be Celebrating with My Friends By Watching ZooKeeper At Amk Hub!! Will Update Again Tmr XD!! Cya For Now!

11:52 PM

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wadsss Up~
Yo!!! WAdsss Up!!!!!!!~~~~ Idk Wad to Update Today... hmm Well.. Afternoon Slack At Tekongs With Friends And At Night Went to Have Dinner With Rasyid Jeremy Stanley And Sufi... I Lost My House Key i Was So Worried.. i tot I Lost It.. Then Luckily I Asked My Mum To Check For Me If My House Key is At Home... And Guess Wad??? Its... AT HOME!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH I Tots I Lost It!! So Heng.... Phew... i Guess This is The End.. For Today I Really Dk Wad To Post XD!!

11:22 PM

Friday, August 5, 2011

Today Was Awesome..!!!
Ok.. I Was Lazy Last Night... And i Totally forget Wad Interesting Happen Yesterday... The Only Thing i Rmber is At Night i Was Slacking Till Half.. when i Recieve A Phone Call From My Friend Asking Me to Watch *The Fist Of the Dragon* So i Agree And i Rushed Home to Bath And Met My Friends At Causeway Point Cathay!! I Was Totally Looking Forward To The Movie.. But In The End.. The Movie Suck Like Mad zzzz....! Ok I Rate The Movie 4/10...

Ok Now.. Wad Happen Today hmm... Woke Up at 3Am.. for No Freaking Reason!! I Just woke Up and Could Not Went Back To Sleep Till 6am.. So I Finally Was Tired And i Went To Sleep at 6am.. And woke up at 7am.. And Rushed To School.. And i Found out Today HL Secondary 3 Was Having A Dancing Class All Class Together!! I Love the Dance.. Now All sec 3 Dancing Together It Was Fun.. I Forget To Bring My PE Shorts So i Went To Buy a New Pe Short Changed And Went to Dance... I Really Hope My class Look Forward To The Dance As Much As i do.. My class.. Most of Them Don Give a Damn About The Dance.. They Think its Stupid To Dance Infront Of The School... Its Really Fun.. i Physo One of My Friend to Join and He Loved It!!

But.. Even Though i Was Injured.. i Still Went To Dance And Went For PE... I Scored 2 point At Floorball Today!! Dam Shiok XD!! But Sadly Is.. i Been Having This Injured Of My Right Left For Around 2 Weeks I Think.. and today I Totally Cant Bear The Pain And i Went To Put Ice On My leg... Now Its Slowy Healing.. i Guess i Should Put More Ice ... Haiizzz Should have Stay Home When im injured But I Choose To Play bball Even Though i Hurt and Now The Injured is Geting Worse.. Well Thts All For Today!! =D

4:59 PM

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2nd Time Updateing For 03/08/2011

How i Wish My Day is As Bright As This Picture...

The Word Of The Day... B.O.R.E.D .. I Seriously Cant Stand Staying at Home all Day.. I will Be Like Dam No Mood and Slowy Become Angry For no Reason.. =.=.... Friends... Somtime i Wonder If I Reall Have Friends... I ask Them Come Tekong.. They Tell me Lazy... Then They Expect Me to Go To The Playground Near Their House.. Btw Jeremy and Stanley i Not Saying u two.... I Just Feel That... If they Are Lazy To Come Tekong why should i go To The Playground Near Their House?? I Really Don understand...

6:04 PM

Dam... No School For Me Today )=
Haiizzz... Wake Up With Fever and Headache.. So Nvr Go School Today... So Bored =X Should Have Just Suck it Up And Went To School.... now idk Wad to Do Till 2pm =.= Also Don know Wad to Post Now Lol.. i Think Night Time i Will Update One More Time!

12:02 PM

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tiring Day...
Hoho Im Back xD!!! Today So Tired =X morning Wake up Having Headache.. Then When Reach School My Stomach Was Feeling Weird... Before i Left Home i Pasted 3 Pain Relief.. Because i Have CCA and PE Today i Scare Ltr Tooo Pain i Cannot Take it =X!!! So Pe Play FloorBall.. Ir was Fun We Won!!! 3-2 Lol 1 Of The Score is Own Goal By Jason Ong The Enemy Side XD!! Then my Finger Got Hit By The FloorBall Stick Kinda Hurt But Still Can Ta han.. Ltr After Pe. Which is Last Period For Today.. Went to Canteen Have a Drink And Food And Chit Chat With Friends... 3.30 Went for Cca And We Were Discussing Wad Muffin To Make =) Dicusstion Turn Out Well.. Everything Was Done So We Went To Play Bball.. Then Found out Only 2 Person Was Able To Play Bball Cus others All No Pe Shirt and Pe Pants =.=.... Then i Found it Dam Boring cus only 2 ppl Can Play So i Told Teacher Lets Change Ball And Play Volley ball.. Turn out Pretty Well.. although it Was Still Boring in The end =X But Well... Im Looking Forward To The Day When i Cook Muffin Which will be on September!! 

8:18 PM

Monday, August 1, 2011

Finally Done!
Okay.. New Blog Skin again.. Haiizz Cus the  One Before is Too Dam SMALL!! Cannot Put Picture Bla Bla Bla.. So Redo This freaking Blog!! Dam.. The Feeling When u Did Somthing Which u Really Is new At.. The Feeling When u Done it Finally.. It Just Feel So AWESOME!! Cant Desc It In Words... Im Back To Daily Post Cya!! Oh Yeah Thanks Peggy!! Helping me With The Picture And Some Editing =X Tyvm!

9:22 PM

Brand New!
Okay! I Have Made A New Blog With Same Url!! Everything Have Been Changed... I Guess Im Back To Blogging =)!! So Leave ur Link The The CBox so i Can Link u all! 

2:54 AM

My Information..
Name : Ptw(Pey Teck Wei)
Age : 15 Years Old (2011)

Exit To My Friends Blog.
May Tan

More Information.

I Am A Lucky Boy who Have a Awesome Family And Awesome Friend.. I Love Singing... Well.. When im Hyper Im Really Hyper When im Sad.. im Really Sad.. I Treasure My Friend Very Much Cus They Are The People Who Made My Life As Bright As The Sun!

Wish List.

♥Awesome Friends.(Checked)
♥A Girl Who i Can Love and Care For(Uncheck)
♥Good Basketball Player(Uncheck)
♥Slim Down(uncheck)(Working On it =X)
♥Pass My Exam(Uncheck)



August 2011

September 2011

November 2011

December 2011

March 2012

April 2012

August 2012

October 2012

Awesome Peeps

♥ XinYun/Cloud(Jie)
♥ Peggy/QiQi(Mei)
♥ Yi Min(Mei)
♥ Xin Yuan(Friend)
♥ Michael Pey(Brother)
♥ May Tan?(Sister In-Law)
♥ CL/Chong Lin(Brother)
♥ Eugene(Brother)
♥ Xiah/Vincent(Brother)
♥ Gavin(Brother)
♥ Andy(Brother)
♥ Pravin(Bros)
♥ Harith(Friend)
♥ Akilen(Bros)
♥ Stanley(Bros)
♥ Jeremy(Bros)
♥ Xin Yi(Friend)
♥ Kok Yong(Bros)
♥ Raysid(Bros)
♥ Justin(Bros)

Wan Leave a Link Or comment?

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