Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today Is Fucked Up..
So Let See..Yesterday i Got Blamed For Things I Nvr Do.. My Char Been Changed In Other People Eye.. Nice.... Then Today Morning i Had A Stomach Ache... So I Cant Report To School on Time.. And It Was Raining.. So i Though Of Not Going to School Today.. Then My Dad Walks in Shout shout shout.. Then Slowy My Mum Came In Say More And Its Like Fking Add Oil To Fire.. Then My Mum Took My Phone I Got so Pissed Of i Punch My Wardrobe Slam The Door Wear Sock And Shoes Slam The Wooden Door Walk under The Big Rain T oSchool.. Went To School Fever and Broke Up... I Don Know How To Hide The Tears.. So i Went To 6th Floor Sit on top .. Skiped 3 Lesson.. Come Back Home Went To Have a Nap Wish Everything Would Be allright when i Woke up.. But I Woke up Walk To living Room Dad come Scold Again... I have Enough .. Now Crying again.. The last Time i Cry Was Freaking sec 2. And i Really Cant Take This Shit Anymore.. Tonite im Not Going Home I Swear.. Freakign Ton Outside liao 

7:37 PM

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Well Today Was Both Awesome and sucky I guess???
Well.. Let See... This Morning.. I Went to School And Found Out.. all my fren Nvr go School And Only Me?? =.=.. So I Sat alone And Keep Thinking Of Stuffs... Then Slowy i Got moddy and i totally Don Wanna Talk To anyone.. I Almost Even Punched Someone =x.. Just Because He Said Hi To me .. Lol Heng Heng I Pulled The Brake.. Then Nvm.. Math Lesson Mdm Soh Ask all Chinese Student Go First Floor Sit On the fking Floor?? She Treat Us Like Dogs?? I Was Like Wtf? Wth i do.. Then Ltr i Found out Yesterday Something Happeed During MT Lesson.. idk Wad happen though I Half Day Went Home.. So Mdm Soh let Me Off And i Was Back to Class and Sat down And think About Some things Again.. Then Slowy i Went To Sleep In Class And Amazingly Zhan hui Came To School On Fking 9.30pm!! LOL Then chit Chati with Him And My Mood Was Slighty Better.. But i always Think This Question.. Wad have I Done to Get Classes Like This??.. Our Class.. Always Get Into Trouble For No Reason... All Not Bonded Together.. Alot Of shitty Stuff Happen To Us.. and Im Going Crazy... Soon.. I Always think Of Tht..

Then Later Afternoon.. Miss Chai Told Me She Having Meeting.. So CCA Canceled.. I Was like Wth.. 0,0,,, Then i Told Hafiza and i and Her Went smsing Miss chai And Miss Chai Said If u All Wan We Can Have CCA on 3pm.. I Was So Gald To Hear That Piece Of news =X... =D And during CCA We Went to Try Perfecting Our Muffin But Kinda fail Though Lol The shape Won Come Out Right I Don understand Why.. Then I Went To Try making Butter Cream At First It Was Kinda Fail Cus We don have Euff Butter.. My Fren all Say Wa Teckwei u Fail Liao Lol But I Cont Beating The Butter and Milk and In The end.. It Really Became Cream.!!! I Was so Proud Of Myself >~< Idc Wad Other Ppl Say But This is the First Time i Did Without Anyone Helping Me.. And This is also The First Time I do ButterCream And It Went Out Pretty Well =D Heres A Picture Of It.. NEVER Put Butter Cream In Freezer!! Cus It will Turn Out Pretty Bad!! All Justin And Stanley Fault La Keep Wan Put In Freezer zzz Should Have Took Photo Of It Before Puting In Freezer.. But Heres The Picture =D

Hehe Cool Ah?? Wan Taste Mah XD!!!

But Wel.. At Night Got Moody Again.. Because I Keep thinking Of some Stuff But who Cares Muffin Ftw!!! =D

12:06 AM

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Have No Real Friends...
Lets Se... People Tell Me To Forgive And Forget.. But I Have Been Doing That For Freaking 2 Years.. Since Secondary 2 My Friends Have Always been Telling Me Last Min Don Wan Come Out Or somthing.. And i Always Just Forgive and Forget But It Have Already Been 1 Year Already They Have Not change no Shit!!! Wth is Wrong With Them.. Why Do I Have Shittys Friends Like them?? Is This My Karma?? Wad Have i Done Wrong!? And Now for This Month My Mood Have Been Pretty Sucky! up And downs..Huh Wad Have i Done to Get This Kind Of Shittys Friends?? I Don Give a fuck Weather They See This Or Not?? See La Knn At Least Go Fking Do Some Soul Searching  Zzz... Seriously I Cant Take It Anymore.. 1 Week holiday Been Stucked At Home!? Wth is this Sia... Come On... Fuck This Man.. I Hate My Life.. Might As Well End it.. I Really Rather I Die Then Having This Kind of Shitty Life With Shitty Friends zz... Im Really Worried If one Day i Really Went For a Jump Off My Floor 

1:18 PM

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Haiizz... My Feelings Are Going Out Of control Soon I Thiink... Maybe Its Time  To Avoid U.... But Its so hard To Avoid U ..... Dam Sia.. Sudenly Lost all My Mood Again =.=... Come On.. Why Is It So Hard To Control My Feeling Huh???? Fuck My life....

1:23 AM

My Information..
Name : Ptw(Pey Teck Wei)
Age : 15 Years Old (2011)

Exit To My Friends Blog.
May Tan

More Information.

I Am A Lucky Boy who Have a Awesome Family And Awesome Friend.. I Love Singing... Well.. When im Hyper Im Really Hyper When im Sad.. im Really Sad.. I Treasure My Friend Very Much Cus They Are The People Who Made My Life As Bright As The Sun!

Wish List.

♥Awesome Friends.(Checked)
♥A Girl Who i Can Love and Care For(Uncheck)
♥Good Basketball Player(Uncheck)
♥Slim Down(uncheck)(Working On it =X)
♥Pass My Exam(Uncheck)



August 2011

September 2011

November 2011

December 2011

March 2012

April 2012

August 2012

October 2012

Awesome Peeps

♥ XinYun/Cloud(Jie)
♥ Peggy/QiQi(Mei)
♥ Yi Min(Mei)
♥ Xin Yuan(Friend)
♥ Michael Pey(Brother)
♥ May Tan?(Sister In-Law)
♥ CL/Chong Lin(Brother)
♥ Eugene(Brother)
♥ Xiah/Vincent(Brother)
♥ Gavin(Brother)
♥ Andy(Brother)
♥ Pravin(Bros)
♥ Harith(Friend)
♥ Akilen(Bros)
♥ Stanley(Bros)
♥ Jeremy(Bros)
♥ Xin Yi(Friend)
♥ Kok Yong(Bros)
♥ Raysid(Bros)
♥ Justin(Bros)

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