Friday, December 23, 2011

Why Does Things Have To Be Like This..
For 15 Years I Have Never Seen My Dad Drop A Tear Nor Cry.. But Today..
As He Was Talking About My Brother And My Mum He Was Crying...
For some Reason.. As i See Him Tear My Tears Are Starting To Roll Out..
But i Did Not Let My Tears Come out Till i Went To My Computer..
While Im Typing This My Tears Are Non-stop Coming out =( Wad Do i Have to Do..
Why 2011 Like This =(

3:16 PM

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2011 Really Suck Badly... Met With So Many Shitty Stuff.. At School
Then now.. Christmas is Near Chinese new Year Too
Its Suppose To Be a Happy Things.. Everyone Should be celebrating.
But Guess Wad .. Family Problem pop out.. Haiizz..
Mum Cried Yesterday and Today..
Dad lost His Job For like 2 Months Already..
And My Bro Got Bonus For his Pay which is About 5k+..
Geting Bonus Is Good.. But The Bad Thing is..
My Mum Say He know The Problem The Family Is Having right Now
And Yet Instead Of Giving Extra Money To My Mum
He Bring His gf Go Out play =x...
My Mum Is Really Stressing Out On Money Problem..
She Say Books Haven Buy.. New Year Shirt Haven buy..
My Monthly Money also Haven Give =x...
Haiizz Idk Wad To Do... I Also Dk Wad To Tell My Brother..
Then Last Month Till Recently.. I Sleep With My Mum as MY Dad Took My room
And Slept.. He Say He Dw Sleep With Mum Cus Mum keep Asking He Found Job Anot..
Haiizz Wad To Do.. I also Cannot do Anything ... 

8:58 PM

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hmm I Wonder..
Sometime I Feel That Some People Treat Me Good Just Because They Needed My Help..
I Wonder Is There Someone Who Will Treat Me Well Whether Or Not They Needed My Help.
Im Afraid To Lose  My Friends..
But i Wonder Will My Friend Be Afraid Of Losing Me?

6:24 PM

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Smile Like No Tomorrow.. Enjoy Every Moment When U Are with Them Before They Leave You..
Sup Sup! Long Time No Post.. Today Was A Great Day!!
BbQ With My Friends...
Stanley,Jeremy,Alvin,Justin,Xinyi,Ain,Amira,Raysid,Zhan Hui And Me!
Well.. The BBQ only Have 10 Of Us But We Had An Awesome Time!
Sometimes U Don Need Alot People To Have Fun Just A Few Of Us
And We Can Still Have Fun,It All Depend On Ourself
At First There Was Up And Down Between Me And Jeremy About The BBQ Foods
Cus He Did Not Book!! But At least He Make An Effort To Wake Up Early
And Went To Buy Food With Xinyi And Alvin
Hmm.. I Got Freaking Morning Call At 11am For Nothing LOL!
I Was BBQ Last Night Till 2+ Then sleep at 4 And They call me At 11 Tell me Morning Call!!
When The BBQ Is Like 5pm Then Strt LOL So Since i Wake Up i Cant Go Back Sleep..
Went To 883 Lan With Alvin And Stanley Play till 4.45 And Went to Bbq
At First They Buy Flour And Make Waterbomb all Say Aim Ain Amira and Raysid In The end
Me Stanley Xinyi Zhan Hui Tio For no Reason =.=.. But We kana at last Strting is Raysid Ain And amira Kana Lol!
Dam.. 23 December.. Will Have Another Outing Hope It Will Be A Fun One too!!
Today is the Best BBQ i Ever Had.. Although Some Random Indian People Went To Call Police And complain We Play Water When We Are Playing Flour zzz
So Police come Take Our Ic Bla Bla Say 11pm Come Back Check Wan See The place clean
We At Thr Till Like 12+ Police Also Nvr come Back LOL Police Now So Slack Sio!
KK Bb Blog Hoho!

1:44 AM

My Information..
Name : Ptw(Pey Teck Wei)
Age : 15 Years Old (2011)

Exit To My Friends Blog.
May Tan

More Information.

I Am A Lucky Boy who Have a Awesome Family And Awesome Friend.. I Love Singing... Well.. When im Hyper Im Really Hyper When im Sad.. im Really Sad.. I Treasure My Friend Very Much Cus They Are The People Who Made My Life As Bright As The Sun!

Wish List.

♥Awesome Friends.(Checked)
♥A Girl Who i Can Love and Care For(Uncheck)
♥Good Basketball Player(Uncheck)
♥Slim Down(uncheck)(Working On it =X)
♥Pass My Exam(Uncheck)



August 2011

September 2011

November 2011

December 2011

March 2012

April 2012

August 2012

October 2012

Awesome Peeps

♥ XinYun/Cloud(Jie)
♥ Peggy/QiQi(Mei)
♥ Yi Min(Mei)
♥ Xin Yuan(Friend)
♥ Michael Pey(Brother)
♥ May Tan?(Sister In-Law)
♥ CL/Chong Lin(Brother)
♥ Eugene(Brother)
♥ Xiah/Vincent(Brother)
♥ Gavin(Brother)
♥ Andy(Brother)
♥ Pravin(Bros)
♥ Harith(Friend)
♥ Akilen(Bros)
♥ Stanley(Bros)
♥ Jeremy(Bros)
♥ Xin Yi(Friend)
♥ Kok Yong(Bros)
♥ Raysid(Bros)
♥ Justin(Bros)

Wan Leave a Link Or comment?

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