Friday, March 30, 2012

Whats Wrong With Me...
I Just Cant Sort Out My Feelings =.=.. Maybe Peggy Is Right Im A Flirter. I Hate To THink It But i Think Maybe Im Really A Flirter.. Its Like How Can i Like A Person Without Even Knowing Her Someone Give Me A Answer Can? I Seriously Don understand.Its Like Few Days Ago I Met This Cute Junior But Then I Also Dk Is Like Or Wad zzz As Day Pass By... I Hear Alot Of Thing Which Kept Changing My THinking... I Seriously Dk Wth Im THinking Im Just Retard I Guess.. Maybe When I Have Successfully Slim Down. My Life Will Change.. But Im Trying Real Hard Now. Abit Of Encouragement From The Person I Care/Love Would Be Useful. But i Guess It Will Never Happen.. 

10:53 PM

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Aishhhh What Is Wrong With Me?
Aish... I Really Don understand Wad Is Wrong With Me... Today Was Really Having A Great Time =) Went To Play Hide in Seek In School As I Was Too Bored.. Then Someone Struck Me. My Fren And i Was Chating When he Suddenly Said. *Being Best Friend With A Girl You Like Is Better Then Having To Stead With Her*. This Totally Struck Me Into Thinking Deeper.. Now I Start To Wonder.. Do i Really Love Her? Or I Just Like Her. Or Maybe. Im Just Lonely. Finding Someone To Accompany Me To Just Chat All Day Long . Or Maybe. Someone I Can Trust Someone i Can Share Secret With Someone Who Is Willing To Listen To All My Nags. I Really Wonder Right Now. What To Do.. I Seriously Don Know. How i Wish Someone Could Give Me A Answer To My Question. But The Thing is. No One Can Ever Give u Ur Answer In Life U Need To Find Out The Answer For Yourself. 

9:59 PM

My Information..
Name : Ptw(Pey Teck Wei)
Age : 15 Years Old (2011)

Exit To My Friends Blog.
May Tan

More Information.

I Am A Lucky Boy who Have a Awesome Family And Awesome Friend.. I Love Singing... Well.. When im Hyper Im Really Hyper When im Sad.. im Really Sad.. I Treasure My Friend Very Much Cus They Are The People Who Made My Life As Bright As The Sun!

Wish List.

♥Awesome Friends.(Checked)
♥A Girl Who i Can Love and Care For(Uncheck)
♥Good Basketball Player(Uncheck)
♥Slim Down(uncheck)(Working On it =X)
♥Pass My Exam(Uncheck)



August 2011

September 2011

November 2011

December 2011

March 2012

April 2012

August 2012

October 2012

Awesome Peeps

♥ XinYun/Cloud(Jie)
♥ Peggy/QiQi(Mei)
♥ Yi Min(Mei)
♥ Xin Yuan(Friend)
♥ Michael Pey(Brother)
♥ May Tan?(Sister In-Law)
♥ CL/Chong Lin(Brother)
♥ Eugene(Brother)
♥ Xiah/Vincent(Brother)
♥ Gavin(Brother)
♥ Andy(Brother)
♥ Pravin(Bros)
♥ Harith(Friend)
♥ Akilen(Bros)
♥ Stanley(Bros)
♥ Jeremy(Bros)
♥ Xin Yi(Friend)
♥ Kok Yong(Bros)
♥ Raysid(Bros)
♥ Justin(Bros)

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